Publish notebook request

Are you a teacher, tutor, or author of educational content and wish to write and publish an educational textbook?

Create a free teacher account on the Publior App.

Try our authoring tools and create a few pages and interactive exercises to make sure the platform's features meet your requirements.

Then upgrade to a subscription account (minimum number of students: 5) and complete you content creation.

Ask Publior to provide you with activation codes for your digital textbook. The publishing process and terms are similar to those for publishers' books.

Key differences: A digital Notebook can be activated with the codes for 12 months. The 12-month period of use begins immediately after publication and delivery of the codes to you. A minimum number of activation code production (50 codes) applies, with costs starting at 6 euros per code. The Notebook is in Html format.

Your Notebooks are available for publication for as long as you have an active subscription account. If your subscription account expires, all contents are deleted.

Cost per published code for the author:

The author chooses the time limit of the buyer's access to the book. The cost for the author varies according to the length of the period: 3 euros (user access for 1 month), 3.5 euros ( for 2 months), 4 euros (for 3 months), 5 euros ( for 6 months), 6 euros (for 12 months). Prices include VAT.

More information about publishing Textbooks can be found in the Authors category.

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